90 Day Programme: Cancer Support

An evidence-based nutrition and lifestyle programme, supporting you throughout your cancer journey.

Empowering you to take an active role in your health outcome.

Being diagnosed with cancer is an incredibly difficult and worrying time, both for those diagnosed, and also their loved ones, often leaving many people feeling extremely helpless and fearful.

While understandable, it doesn’t need to be this way. At Healthy, Happy and Strong we aim to support and teach you a range of dietary modifications, lifestyle strategies and self-care tools that will help to greatly improve your quality of life, reduce treatment side effects, whilst also supporting better outcomes and reducing risk of recurrence.

Our evidence based support is available from diagnosis, through treatment, and beyond and aims to complement, but not replace standard medical treatment.

Cancer Support: From diagnosis, throughout treatment and beyond.

Through our nutrition and lifestyle cancer support programme we aim to empower you to:

  • Improve your knowledge of what to eat & why

    Giving you greater confidence and control over your potential outcome.

  • Support your immune system

    To keep you feeling well, improve your potential outcome, and to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

  • Improve your energy levels and mood

    Thereby improving your overall sense of wellbeing, and enabling you to put your energy into improving your health.

  • Optimise your nutritional status

    To keep you feeling well, improve your potential outcome, and to reduce your risk of cancer recurrence.

  • Improve your healing after surgery

    Through better nutritional choices.

  • Support your gut health

    To reduce any adverse digestive symptoms and side effects, and to improve nutrient absorption.

  • Maintain your muscle mass

    To keep you physically strong, better able to cope with any treatments offered, and improve your potential outcome.

  • Minimise treatment side effects

    Aiming to mitigate the negative impact of any standard treatment received.

  • Reduce your risk of cancer recurrence

    Through better nutrition and lifestyle choices.

  • Improve your quality of life

    Through holistic support, helping you to thrive long after your cancer diagnosis.

We would greatly like to share our experience and knowledge with you, helping you to reduce treatment side effects, Improve overall quality of life, improve outcome potential, and reduce your risk of cancer recurrence.

90 Day Programme: Cancer Support

A programme with a holistic approach where you are listened to, your individual situation is carefully considered and recommendations are whole body focused. Over the 90 days we will introduce simple actions at a speed that you are comfortable with, that can help transform your body over time into one in which cancer will find it difficult to thrive. We will look to prioritise actions most relevant to your situation where the largest gains are likely to be made. We will explore the following areas:

  • Nutrition:

    • One of the most powerful choices that you make every day, multiple times a day, is to choose what to eat. We will help you to choose the most powerful cancer-fighting foods at every meal.

    • Advice on how to prepare nutrient-dense meals.

    • Advice on what to eat before and after chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery to optimise healing and recovery.

  • Sleep: Are you getting sufficient? Is it quality sleep?

  • Exercise: If you have recently finished a course of conventional cancer treatment, exercise may seem unachievable, however, the benefits of exercise against cancer cannot be ignored, and together, we will look to set achievable goals appropriate to your situation.

  • Emotional health: considering how this may be contributing to your cancer.

  • Stress: load, resilience, and management.

  • Herbs and Supplements: We will provide a protocol of appropriate supplements tailored to you and your stage of treatment and recovery, that will help support your body systems, in particular, your digestive system, your immune system and your nervous system.

  • Mindset / frame of mind.

Adopting a predominantly plant-based diet is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of cancer development and to improve outcomes following a cancer diagnosis.  Talk to one of our cancer nutritionists today.

With a tailored approach to nutrition and lifestyle, combined with targeted supplementation, this programme will help address any symptoms and side-effects of treatment that you may have, support your core body systems and kick-start your journey back to a more healthful place. We will work at a pace that works for you, whether that be baby-steps or whole-scale changes, the programme will be tailored to meet your needs. Recovery and regaining ones health takes time but with consistent positive diet and lifestyle choices it really is possible to recover whilst also creating a body in which cancer will find it difficult to thrive.

90 Day Programme: Cancer Support

Sarah Eglin, a cancer nutritionist UK, is an eight year breast cancer thriver who is passionate about helping others to similarly regain their health and wellbeing following a cancer diagnosis.

How the programme works.

  • Consultations: three 6-weekly face to face on-line consultations where you share your concerns and aims. We’ll take a deep dive into your health history in the initial consultation and build upon the recommended plan during the second and third consultation.

  • Evidence-based advice surrounding a wide range of cancer specific topics including diet, lifestyle, environment and exercise.

  • Personalised nutrition protocol: specific to your cancer outlining your aims, goals and the recommended plan which will be updated following each face to face consultation.

  • Supplement* recommendations: tailored to your specific needs, cancer type and treatment protocol. Understand which supplements to take, and which to avoid during and after your cancer treatment

  • Advice on how to prepare nutrient-dense meals.

  • Advice on what to eat before and after surgery to improve healing and recovery.

  • Practical tips to help reduce any side effects you may be having from treatment.

  • Tips on how to reduce your risk of cancer recurrence.

  • Evidence-based advice regarding additional complementary therapies with could also support you during your cancer journey together.

  • Recipe resources: packed full of delicious nutrient dense snacks and meals designed specifically to aid you on your road to recovery.

  • Email support

  • Fees: £375**

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 Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


(1) Anand, P et al. (2008). ‘Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes.’ Pharmaceutical Research. Vol 25(9). p2097-2116

(2) Kassam S et al (eds). (2022). Plant-based nutrition in clinical practice. UK. Hammersmith Health Books


* The cost associated with any recommended supplements and/or testing is additional to fees shown above.

** The standard programme fee is as detailed above, however, if this is beyond your means then please contact us directly via the email sarah@healthyhappyandstrong.co.uk and we will aim to work out a suitable alternative.