90 Day Plant-Based Nutrition Programme

Transition to a wholefood plant-based diet

And improve your overall health and wellbeing.

Sign up for our 90 day plant-based nutrition programme which has been carefully designed to help upgrade your health and overall wellbeing, whilst potentially adding years to your life!

So what does plant-based nutrition or a wholefood plant-based diet actually mean?

Whilst there is currently no exact definition, a wholefood plant-based dietary pattern signifies a move to a diet consisting primarily of whole (i.e. unprocessed and unrefined) plant foods, whilst minimising the consumption of animal products, such as, meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs. There is a general consensus that a diet consisting of over 85% whole plant foods (i.e. fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes/beans, nuts and seeds) follows a wholefood plant-based diet or dietary pattern.

While our focus at Healthy, Happy and Strong is primarily on dietary interventions to improve health and wellbeing, there are other reasons why people in increasing numbers are now choosing to move towards this way of eating. The 3 key reasons being personal health, planetary health, and animal justice, with indisputable science supporting the positive impact a plant-based diet has for each of these reasons.

So whatever your rationale for wanting to move to a wholefood plant-based way of life, we can help guide you to ensure that the transition is smooth, sustainable, and that you fully understand how to meet all your nutritional requirements whatever your stage of life.

90 day plant-based nutrition programme

A programme designed to help you confidently transition to a wholefood plant-based diet, one that consists primarily of whole (i.e. unprocessed and unrefined) plant foods, whilst minimising your consumption of animal products, such as, meat, fish, poultry, dairy, and eggs.  

With a holistic approach to your health and supported by the latest scientific research, together, we will address:

  • Your health and wellbeing goals.

  • Any health concerns and symptoms that you may currently have.

  • Any barriers that you may have to adopting a more plant-based diet.

  • Strategies to ensure a successful and sustainable transition.

  • Any questions you may have regarding a wholefood plant-based diet , with evidence-based answers.

90 Day Plant-Based Nutrition Programme

Access to everything you need to become the best, healthiest version of you!

Sarah Eglin, a UK plant-based nutritionist and vegan nutritionist looking to improve the health and wellbeing of others.

How the programme works.

  • Consultations: three monthly face to face on-line consultations where you share your concerns and aims. We’ll take a deep dive into your health history in the initial consultation and build upon the recommended plan during the second and third consultation.

  • Personalised nutrition protocol: outlining your aims, goals and the recommended plan which will be updated following each face to face consultation.

  • Supplement recommendations*: tailored to your specific needs.

  • Recipe resources: packed full of delicious nutrient dense snacks and meals designed to facilite your transition to a wholefood plant-based diet.

  • Email support

  • Fees: £275**

 Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


* The cost associated with any recommended supplements and/or testing is additional to fees shown above.

** The standard programme fee is as detailed above, however, if this is beyond your means then please contact us directly via the email sarah@healthyhappyandstrong.co.uk and we will aim to work out a suitable alternative.