Plant Based Diet for Weight Loss

  • The best diet for long term sustainable weight loss

  • Lose weight on a plant based diet

The importance of being a healthy weight

Obtaining a healthy weight, defined in the UK as having a body mass index (BMI) of between 18.5 and 24.9 is crucial for ensuring long term health. Being overweight steadily increases a person’s risk of mortality with increasing BMI (4) and obesity is a major risk factor for a multitude of chronic diseases, such as cancer where evidence suggests that diet is the primary driver in at least 35% of all cancer diagnoses (1), cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, osteoarthritis and lower back pain (3). Therefore, reversing obesity and obtaining a healthy body weight has a plethora of recognised health benefits.

The limitations of most weight loss programmes and lifestyle interventions

Most weight loss programmes and lifestyle interventions focus on a combination of reduced energy intake and increased physical activity and while they often produce the intended result of weight loss in the short term, the evidence clearly demonstrates that the vast majority of people regain the majority of their lost weight after the end of the programme or intervention, leading to the yo-yo dieting that is commonly seen (2).

Why is this programme different?

Our programme focusses on a wholefood plant-based diet, being a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes/beans, nuts and seeds. Studies consistently demonstrate that such a dietary pattern is sustainable long term, generally acceptable to study participants and is associated with a healthy body weight (3), three key elements for long term sustainable weight loss.

FAQ: If I become a vegan will I lose weight?

This is a question that we are commonly asked here at Healthy, Happy and Strong. The short answer being no, become vegan and losing weight do not go hand in hand as plant based diets can be both healthful or unhealthful.

A wholefood plant based diet, one that is rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds has many commonly accepted health benefits, not least in its ability to support and maintain a healthy weight. Whereas a diet based on plant foods that are highly processed and contain significant quantities of salt, fat and sugar confer little advantage over a standard Westernised diet in terms of weight management and the risk of other chronic diseases (3).

Our programme focusses entirely on the healthful whole food plant based diet for weight loss.

A wholefood plant based diet for weight loss

Why it consistently produces long term sustainable weight loss.

  • Follow a plant based diet for weight loss.  A sustainable long term diet for sustainable weight loss. long term sustainable weight loss.  Proven weight loss programme. Lose weight on a plant based diet. Cheshire.  Manchester.  UK

    Sustainble Long Term Diet

    The evidence consistently demonstrates that wholefood plant based diets are highly sustainable for the long term.

    One key reason being that there is generally no need for portion control, skipping meals, or calorie counting as most plant foods are naturally low in calories yet highly nutrient dense.

    Plant based diets also ameliorate the effects of a number of obesity-related health conditions, therefore there are many benefits that occur independently of weight loss (4).

  • Follow a plant based diet for weight loss.  A highly acceptable dietary pattern for sustainable weight loss. Long term sustainable weight loss.  Proven weight loss programme. Lose weight on a plant based diet. Cheshire.  Manchester.  UK

    Acceptable Dietary Pattern

    Both the scientific evidence and our own experience indicates that a wholefood plant based diet is highly acceptable to people and adherence is high despite it potentially involving a greater dietary change.

    This is again in part due to there being no need for portion control, skipping meals, or calorie counting. For reasons that are self explanatory, most people like the fact that they can eat heartily and still lose weight.

    A diet where you can generally eat as much as you like and you feel satiated increases the likelihood of long term adherence and sustainable weight loss, with the evidence supporting this.

  • Follow a plant based diet for weight loss.  Fosters a healthy body weight for sustainable weight loss. Long term sustainable weight loss.  Proven weight loss programme. Lose weight on a plant based diet. Cheshire.  Manchester.  UK

    Fosters a Healthy Body Weight

    There are a number of mechanisms by which a wholefood plant based diet naturally fosters a healthy body weight and facilitates sustainable weight loss. Some examples include:

    • Energy density: Kilo for kilo people consistenly eat the same amount of food, yet the majority of plant foods contain much fewer calories per kilo.

    • High fibre content: Whole plant foods are high in fibre with fibre intake being a strong predictor of weight loss.

    • Supports a diverse microbiome: which is associated with a healthy body weight.

A move to a more wholefood plant-based diet can significantly increase your chances of long term sustainable weight loss.

Plant Based Diet for Weight Loss

Here at Healthy, Happy and Strong, we are currently offering bespoke 1-2-1 weight loss programmes. However, we also appreciate that 1-2-1 sessions are not feasible for everyones and consequently we are currently working on launching an online group Plant Based Diet for Weight Loss Programme.

Watch this space!

Sarah Eglin, plant-based nutritionist, vegan nutritionist.  Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease with a vegan or plant based diet.  Vegan diet and cardiovascular disease. A healthy diet for a healthy heart. Cheshire, UK and Online.

What you can expect from a 1:1 session.

  • Online consultation: Up to 75 minutes where you share concerns and aims. We’ll take a deep dive into your health history in the initial consultation and build upon the recommended plan during subsequent consultations.

  • Evidence-based advice focussed on your specific symptoms and goals.

  • A personalised nutrition protocol: outlining your aims, goals and the recommended plan which will be updated following each face to face consultation.

  • Evidence-based answers to any questions you may have regarding a wholefood plant-based diet.

  • Supplement recommendations: where appropriate and tailored to your specific needs.

  • Advice on testing: where appropriate.

  • Holistic guidance covering sleep, movement and other lifestyle factors.

A wholefood plant based diet for weight loss:

  • the best diet for long term sustainable weight loss

  • lose weight on a plant based diet


  1. Anand, P et al. (2008). ‘Cancer is a Preventable Disease that Requires Major Lifestyle Changes.’ Pharmaceutical Research. Vol 25(9). p2097-2116

  2. Bray GA et al. (2017). ‘Obesity: a chronic relapsing progressive disease process. A position statement of the World Obesity Federation.’ Obes Rev. 18(7):pp715-723. doi: 10.1111/obr.12551.

  3. GBD 2019 Diseases and Injuries Collaborators (2020). ‘Global burden of 369 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019’. Lancet (London, England), 396(10258), 1204–1222.

  4. Kassam S et al. (2022). Plant-based Nutrition in Clinical Practice. UK. Hammersmith Health Books

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