90 days: to better health & wellbeing

How you can improve your health and wellbeing

With a pro-food, tailored, holistic approach.

Sign up for our 90 day programme to which has been carefully designed to help you to improve your health and wellbeing. Wherever you are on your health journey, a supported and structured nutrition and lifestyle plan can help you to achieve your health goals.

  • Are you currently struggling with ongoing chronic ill health issues?

  • Are you tired of feeling less than 100% and want to understand why this might be and what you can do to feel great again?

  • Would you like to reduce the likelihood of future ill health?

  • Would you like to age more healthfully?

Or are you simply looking to gain a better understanding of how your diet and lifestyle choices could be impacting your overall health & wellbeing.

Let us help guide you on your journey to improved and long-lasting health and wellbeing.

How we can help you to improve your health and wellbeing.

90 days: to better health and wellbeing.

Access to everything you need to become the best, healthiest version of you.

90 days: to better health & wellbeing

A programme with a holistic approach where you are listened to, your symptoms are taken seriously and the solutions are whole body focused. Together, we address:

  • Health concerns and symptoms: prioritising where to focus first for the largest gains.

  • Emotional health: considering how this may be impacting your physical health.

  • Stress: load, resilience, and management.

  • Your health and wellbeing goals.

  • Mindset / frame of mind.

With a tailored approach to nutrition combined with targeted clinical testing and supplementation, this programme will help to address symptoms, re-balance systems and kick-start your journey back to a more healthful place.

Black beans. Health and wellbeing. How to improve health. How to improve your health. Manchester. Cheshire. UK
Sarah Eglin. Health and wellbeing. How to improve health. How to improve your health. Manchester. Cheshire. UK

How the programme works.

  • Consultations: three monthly face to face on-line consultations where you share your concerns and aims. We’ll take a deep dive into your health history in the initial consultation and build upon the recommended plan during the second and third consultation.

  • Personalised nutrition protocol: outlining your aims, goals and the recommended plan which will be updated following each face to face consultation.

  • Supplement recommendations*: tailored to your specific needs.

  • Recipe resources: packed full of delicious nutrient dense snacks and meals designed specifically to aid you on your road to recovery.

  • Email support

  • Fees: £275**

Optional add-on testing*

Clinical testing provides a snap shot of what is happening in the body at a particular moment in time. It can impart valuable additional information to enable a more accurate assessment of your overall health and to assist in the identification of the underlying cause(s) of health conditions.

Testing can also be used proactively, to help identify and remedy issues before the manifestation of negative physical symptoms.

Using the information obtained can enable the creation of a more targeted nutrition and lifestyle plan.

 Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


* The cost associated with any recommended supplements and/or testing is additional to fees shown above.

** The fee quoted excludes any costs associated with recommended supplements or testing.